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Adobe Illustator

Software Research


Here are all the kinds of TV and film media I have looked at which I believe can help me write a good story script and also give me inspiration on visual effects i could have such as a film grain effect which plays faintly in the foregorund on every screen which adds the the 90's theme i am going for.


I am using Adobe Illustrator to go over my sketch drawings to give them a better solid look that what I can achive by drawn by pencil and ink, aslo that the drawings look better when the assests are in the game after being retraced in Illustaror, mostly becasue the lines look shaper and overall the image looks cleaner in constrast.





Drawing the chatacters take about 30 minutes from first concept mostly beacuse i know what each of my chacaters should look like. i can draw them on the first few tries while being accurate to the style and design of each character.

After i drawn the character on paper i usually go over it with a ink pen/ brush to give more clearer outlines and fill in any areas such as shadows or dark areas in black. this was something i noticed in the Love and Rockets book and i decided to do the same but i also kept in thought about having lighting and shadow contasts. Example: what if its a black room and a character needs to be seen - I tend to add a white outline or at least a light which can make the body of a person or object enough white colour to determin the shape, posision or action of said character or someone could look at that image an not visualy see what is going on and it would be a mess of black and white.

I also noticed that many black ands white comic books have patterns or lines that are used for shading or shadows which can add more detail to my objects, rooms, charcaters instead of having block white and black colours, some even use gradeints of grey in some cases. 

If i feel my character look good in ink or even in pencil I would scan my chosen character or asset into a printer and send myself the jpeg image in collage to later edit in adobe illustator.

I feel it takes 20 minutes or less when i convert my scanned images into digital art. Illustator makes it easy to create lines that can be used to make all kinds shapes, regardless of how complex. my chacaters mostly have basic shapes and any mistakes done on paper i can alter in illustator and can be imporved upon. Another reason i use illustator is i can resize my finished images because illustator is a vecter based program that uses co-ordinates and not pixels to define lines, points and mesurements. I can reuse images of exsisting characters faces for other things such as posters or artwork in the main menu screens to fill up massive black spaces.





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